Perm ranked the 9th in the city environment quality index rating for 2021.
Russian Ministry for Construction and DOM.RF financial institute for housing development announced the results of the 2021 city environment quality index.
The index takes into account 36 indicators characterizing six most popular types of city spaces, such as housing, business and recreational infrastructure and their adjacent areas, green territories, embankments, street infrastructure and citywide environment. Each of these is assessed by 6 indicators - safety, comfort, ecology-friendliness, identity and variety, modernity and efficiency of government.
Each indicator is assessed on a 10-points scale with the values accumulated to calculate the final quality index. Maximum points for a city is 360, and the city environment is considered favourable if the index equals to 180. The average index for 2021 is 184 points as against the planned 183. Perm’s result is 191 points.
City environment quality index was developed by Russian Construction Ministry not only to assess the quality of the environment, but also to evaluate the changes in a particular city.